January 29, 2009


Am spus acum ceva timp că :) ar trebui să apară pe facturi.
I was digging thru some bills the other day and found this.It's not ''fute-o-n shop''ed, ci e o mufarină pe spatele unei facturi de la Distrigay [da,am tastatura pe română,sorry!].
One wish came tru. Oh,the joy!


January 25, 2009

Genius time X

If you change a letter in the word "pink", you get "punk".Yes,"I" is next to "U" (how romantic..and true). And if you combine "pink" and "punk",you get "cocalar" (Cocalarix Haifaivesqum)

January 18, 2009

Genius time IX

JFK is short for jaffa cakes.