June 23, 2009

Happy...something's day

Ieri s-au împlinit 2 ani de la prima mea postare and since I have nothing 22ish related to tell you about (e drept, e ceva, but it is too damn pervy), I'm gonna show you something instead.
Take a look...
Bwahaha! Mine, all mine.
Could've put a candle on each car and let Blog make a wish and blow them candles, but these diecasts aren't eadable and Blog doesn't have a mouth too eat with. And blow.
But he could wish for one.

Şi la mulţi ani, Alex.


Illuminatus said...

In afara de primele doua si un wagon de pe la mijloc, toate sunt foarte misto. In special Shelby-ul :X

Wabbit said...

The Shelby's very well made. You should check out the Camaro as well.
Mai au si AAR Cuda, dar ce nu imi place, valabil si pentru cateva modele (e.g.: Chevelle) este ca sunt low, nu au garda mare la sol.
It's a pity they don't have Al Bundy's Dodge :-"