December 13, 2008


Cu siguranţă îi poţi poci numele lu' tac'su' lu' Luke [sună ca dreacu',îmi place] în multe feluri:Fart Vader,Lard Crater,Bart Vader [helmet with Bart's spikes],Lord Gayder,ş.a.m.d. Eu m-am gândit numai la unul,here it is.Not sure if his pants are made out of metal.
Iar aici,se află continuarea unui quelque chose pe care l-am desenat la un curs plicticois. Continuarea este mai stufoasă,ce-i drept.
Surely,you'll call Sharon Stone above Dr. Hawking an outrage.I call it lack of wheelchair accesibility. Sorry,doc! And by the way,women are always on top,'till you go missionary.Ahem!
And yes,levitate Yoda can.And no,number 4 isn't Captain Caveman.And yes,there's a rude thingie in a name,over there,somewhere.And yes,the bloke (let's say it's you) is above Sharon Stone,simply because you can't stand to see a blonde being smarter than you.Or maybe it's 'cuz you've gone missionary.Cool.
No logic whatsoever.Boy,do I suck!

P.S.: vorba Măgarului, unii încă nu s-au tras de tot din maimuţă.

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